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How to Fix the "SSL is not enabled" Error in DirectAdmin

If you encounter the "SSL is not enabled" error in DirectAdmin when clicking on the "SSL Certificates" icon, it simply means that the domain does not have the "Secure SSL" option ticked when it was initially added to the domain in DirectAdmin > Domain Setup

Follow the steps below to fix the "SSL is not enabled" error in DirectAdmin:

Step 1: Log in to DirectAdmin

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to your DirectAdmin login page. The URL should be something like: (replace "" with your actual server's hostname or your own domain name).

  2. Enter your DirectAdmin username and password to log in to the control panel.

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Step 2: Enable SSL Support for Domain

  1. In DirectAdmin, go to the "Domain Setup" section.

  2. Select the domain for which you want to enable SSL.

  3. Look for the "Secure SSL" checkbox and make sure that the checkbox is checked.

  4. After checking the box, click the "Save Changes" button to enable SSL support for the domain.

Step 3: Verify SSL is now enabled for the domain

  1. To verify the changes, go back to your DirectAdmin hosting account and click on the "SSL Certificates" icon under the "Advanced Features" section.

  2. You should now be taken to the SSL Certification section without the error popping up, allowing you to now install/issue an SSL certificate for your domain.