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Live Broadcasting to AzuraCast Without AutoDJ

Live broadcasting to AzuraCast allows you to connect directly to your radio station and interact with your listeners in real-time. Follow these steps to start live broadcasting if your station does not need or make use of Auto-DJ.

If your station makes use of Auto-DJ, please use this guide to live broadcast to your station with Auto-DJ instead.

Step 1: Install and Configure Your Live Encoder

  1. Choose a live encoder software that is compatible with AzuraCast. Some popular free options include:

    • RocketBroadcaster (Windows)
    • Butt (Broadcast Using This Tool) (Windows, MacOS)
    • LadioCast (MacOS)

    Any encoder that supports Shoutcast or Icecast connections will also work perfectly fine.

  2. Download and install the live encoder on your computer.

Step 2: Ensure Auto-DJ is disabled

Firstly you need to make sure Auto-DJ is disabled, this ensures when connecting with your Live Encoder using the source user it won't conflict with Auto-DJ which also runs on the Source user.

  1. Log in to your AzuraCast account using your station's details. This is in most cases found at the URL (Depending on your nodes hostname)

    One-Click Login for Asura Hosting Customers

    We also allow one-click login through the Client Area

  2. Once logged in, scroll down to the "Station Overview" Section and then click on the "Manage" button next to your station. This will take you to the main dashboard for your station, where you can manage all aspects for your AzuraCast station.

  3. Navigate to AzuraCast > Profile > View Profile and locate the "AutoDJ Service" block, if Auto-DJ is running, make sure to stop it by clicking on the STOP button.

Step 3: Obtaining your Source Connection Details

  1. Navigate to AzuraCast > Profile > View Profile and locate the "Broadcasting Service" block and copy the Username and Password under "Source". You will need this later on.

  2. You will then be required to find your stations port and mountpoint, this can be found under the "Service" block on the same View Profile page. It'll be similar to this URL, where 3555 would be the port and /radio.mp3 would be the mountpoint in this example below.

  3. Now that you have your stations source Password, MOuntpoint and Port, you can move on to the next step to configure your Live Encoder.

Step 4: Configure Your Live Encoder

  1. Launch your live encoder software.

  2. In the encoder settings or configuration, locate the section for "Server" or "Connection Details"

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Server/Host/IP: Enter your AzuraCast server URL (e.g., or IP
    • Port: Enter the port number obtained from Step 3 (e.g., 3555).
    • Mount Point: Enter the mount point name obtained obtained from Step 3 (e.g., /radio.mp3).
    • Password: Enter the Source Password obtained obtained from Step 3
    • Username: source
    • Software: Shoutcast or Icecast (Choose the software your station plan uses)
  4. Save the configuration settings in your live encoder.

Step 5: Start Live Broadcasting

After adding your connection details to your live encoder, you can now begin streaming.

  1. In your live encoder, look for a button or option to start streaming or broadcasting.

  2. Click the button to initiate the live stream to your AzuraCast radio station.